MST deliver training to the Irish Naval Service in testing conditions
MST’s 800 Seaboat proves a superb choice for patrolling Ireland’s maritime jurisdiction. The role of the Irish Naval Service is to defend its territorial seas, deter intruders and aggressors, conduct surveillance, ensure right of passage and protect assets throughout Ireland’s enormous and rich maritime jurisdiction.
Also of concern are the growing international problems of people and arms smuggling and the importation of illegal drugs. Although a relatively small operation when compared to other international navies, and given the demanding environment within which they work, Irish patrols are renowned for operating at the highest standards.
A demanding environment for all
Instructors from MST’s Safety and Training Services division, led by MST’s Senior Instructor Gary Fitzmaurice, travelled to Ireland in April 2018 to deliver RIB Familiarisation and Operator Training to Irish Naval Service Personnel.
Cork Harbour is a natural harbour and a working port, and has been a strategic defensive hub for centuries. It still has major significance in the energy generation, shipping, refining and pharmaceutical sectors. ‘It proved to be the perfect base for the training sessions.’ commented Gary. ‘The Atlantic sea is a challenge at the best of times, but fortunately contending with force six winds and very poor visibility was well within the capability of the MST 800 SB vessel, the instructors and INS personnel.’
A comprehensive training course
Over two very active days, Gary facilitated the training to share his knowledge of the versatile MST 800 SB. Designed to carry 10 personnel, but with a maximum capacity of 18 in total, a maximum speed 45 knots and a range of up to 200 nautical miles, the MST 800 SB proved to be the idea vessel for the role demanded of it.
Gary and his team delivered theoretical and practical sessions, which included a thorough run through of the vessel systems, best practice in low and high speed manoeuvres, MOB (man overboard) recovery methods, shallow water operations, towing, anchoring, coming alongside, emergency steering and the manually operated self-righting mechanism and capsize procedures.
Outcomes valued by all involved
Gary commented ‘The personnel involved should be commended on the professionalism and the level of skill on display, and are a credit to the Irish Naval Service. Their diligence, enthusiasm and capacity to take on board the information imparted made it a pleasure to instruct this course.’
With excellent boat handling and seamanship in abundance, personal skill progression and enhancement of knowledge was evident from all participants. The end of course debrief comments included: ‘Great boat, enjoyable, excellent instruction’ and the designated INS observer said ‘A very informative course, professionally delivered’.
MST Sales Director Philip Hilbert said ‘Platform specific training has a real benefit for operators’ personal development. The MST Group are proud to be providing this for a number of existing customers and new clients.’
If you’d like further information on MST training courses, or the MST 800 SB, please get in touch.