MST recognised at prestigious Insider’s ʻMade in the North Westʼ Awards
MST were delighted to be awarded ʻManufacturer of the Year (under £25m)ʼ at the Insider ʻMade in the North Westʼ 2022 Awards, held recently at The Lowry Hotel, Manchester.
The event recognised a number of the regionʼs biggest success stories and was held in partnership with the Department for International Trade and sponsored by Aon plc and WR Partners.
At the ceremony, the judges noted how the MST Group is a particularly interesting business with great contracts, and commended itʼs active employment of veterans in specialist roles. They also applauded MSTʼs clear understanding of the skills needed to achieve sustainability.
Again, this award is the culmination of the MST teamʼs efforts and hard work, especially throughout recent events. MST would like to thank all its staff for their dedication.

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